Annual Pastor’s Report
Below is an email from Alaska Church of the Nazarene, District Secretary, Reverend Brad Rogers, with instructions regarding the 2022 Annual Pastor’s Reports (& other reporting requirements).
Annual Pastor’s Report (Senior Pastors)
This is the report of the local church to the District Assembly and covers the activities of the church and its auxiliary organizations. Your faithful response makes possible the study of the fruits of ministries occurring in Nazarene churches.

Greetings Alaska District Senior Pastors,
Happy New Year! I hope this day finds you all well and that your times with family and friends, during the Celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, were filled with Joy, Peace, Hope, and Love.
We are fast approaching the end of our church year (Feb. 28, 2022).
Included in this email you will find attached the forms that need to be filled out and submitted. The reports that every church must submit to the District Secretary are: Church Directory, Deceased Members (even if there were none), Annual Report of Ordained Minister, and Certificate of Election (signed by pastor and church board secretary). Pastors, please check Chart #2 on the Certificate of Election for the number of delegates you are allowed to represent your church during District Assembly. We know that our churches have people who qualify as delegates for District Assembly (SDMI/NMI/NYI President, elected delegate), but who will be unable to attend. When you submit your Certificate of Election, please place an asterisk next to the name(s) of any individual who you know will not be attending District Assembly. Doing this will make it a much simpler process to setup and organize our registration system and save us time and money in the preparation of materials. I have also included an Alternate Delegate Seating form for use on the day of the District Assembly (if needed).
In addition to these reports, the Annual Pastor’s Report (APR) must be completed online.
(If you have any issues with accessing this report on the Nazarene website, please let me know ASAP). To submit your reports please email an electronic copy of the report to While we can receive PDF’s, it would be helpful if the Church Directory was sent as a Word Document (or a compatible file type).
The deadline for all reports, (including APR’s), to be submitted is March 15, 2022.
Also, I am reiterating this once again. As we near the end of the 2021-22 church year, I am reminding all pastors, (all assigned and unassigned pastors) that it is required that a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education be completed each and every church year. According to The Manual, 529.6. “Once a minister has fulfilled the requirements of a validated course of study for ministry, he or she will continue a pattern of lifelong learning to enhance the ministry to which God has called him or her. A minimum expectation is 20 hours of lifelong learning each year or the equivalent determined by the region/language group and stated in their regional Sourcebook on Ordination. All assigned and unassigned licensed and ordained ministers shall report on their progress in a program of lifelong learning as part of their report to the district assembly.” 538.18. “All elders and deacons are expected to be involved in 20 hours of lifelong learning per year, to be administered by the District Ministerial Studies Board.”
Please log your hours in the Lifelong Learning Registry. If you don’t have an account set up, please set one up and enter and keep track of your hours. This site also has a help page that will tell you what counts as continuing education credits. Just go to and your questions will be answered. These hours must be completed by the end of the church reporting year. According to The Manual, 529.7. “Failure to complete the lifelong learning requirements for more than two consecutive years shall result in the ordained minister being required to meet with the District Ministerial Studies Board at its regular meeting time. The District Ministerial Studies Board shall give guidance to the minister in completing the lifelong learning required.” I will be reviewing the hours that have been completed on this website and sending a report to the District Superintendent and the District Ministerial Boards at the end of the church year. Those that have not met these requirements will be notified and will meet with the Board of Ministry.
If you have any questions, you may contact Jason Everidge or myself, our contact info is listed below:
District Secretary: Brad Rogers (907) 841-0200 |
Asst. District Secretary: Jason Everidge (740) 804-4405 |
Firmly in His grip,
Rev. Brad A. Rogers
Alaska District Secretary
(907) 841-0200 – Cell
(907) 488-6173 – Church
2022 Documents Download
Included in the .zip download are the forms for:
Alternative Delegate Seating | Annual Report of the Ordained or Licensed Minister | Church Election Certificate | Church Directory | Deceased Member List | Annual Report of the Retired Minister